Lack of Activity (Pokemon X & Y)

Ack! I’m so sorry I haven’t been updating at all!

Recently Pokemon has been taking over my life, and I’ve been trying to catch up with all my friends (I have almost two boxes full of Pokemon, and I have to train them all to the same level or else it doesn’t sit right with me). They’ve pretty much all beat the game and I still haven’t gotten to the second gym when I’ve had the game longer than they have…


I’m basically just running around catching Pokemon because ohmygod they basically have every single Pokemon from each region SQUEEEEEE

Oh, well. I’ll get there. Eventually.

Though is it just me, or have the gym leaders been getting harder? (As in, the levels of their Pokemon are greater than in the previous games.) Huh. Because in the 4th gym in HeartGold, Morty’s Pokemon were still only about level 20-ish, while I checked on the levels of Grant’s Pokemon (2nd gym leader) and blUBBERS FRANTICALLY BECAUSE LV. 25?????

Sighs. More work for me.

Also, next month is the start of NaNoWriMo, so I’ll probably be completely absent so that I can devote my time to writing. Though it would be wonderful if you guys could suggest some blog topics to me, because my mind is blank. J-Pop, K-Pop, Vocaloid please! (Though maybe I ought to expand the topics on this blog, so that instead of just music, it covers other stuff as well. Hm.)

Anyways, toodles! Working hard to become a Pokemon Master!

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