How Much Should We Love Our Idols?

In my previous post, I discussed “How Much We Should Hate Sasaeng Fans”. Sasaeng fans are crazy, but remember: they were just like us before their downward spiral toward obsession. So how much love is a healthy love?

The thing about idols is how they make us feel special by saying things like, “My girl/boyfriends are my fans.” And once you start to really follow them (watch all their music videos, stalk their Twitters, watch all their shows and interviews), the more you will ‘fall in love’ with them. Your idols are so beautiful and perfect. You dream about one day marrying them. And when you see other people getting close to your idol, you get jealous. You wish you were in their place. And you might start feeling a sense of possessiveness towards your idol.

I’ve felt this before too. It sometimes makes me a bit jealous when my friends are able to snag the front rows of concerts, have celebrities make hearts at them, and even go backstage. Because they have gotten closer to their idols, whereas I’m still here, quietly typing away behind a screen. Heck, I don’t even go on Twitter. Sometimes I’m a bit late when hearing about a group’s comeback song. Sometimes it makes me feel a little ‘unworthy’ of being called a fan, because I’m not dedicated enough. (But that’s an entirely different topic, which I will discuss in another post.)

Where should we draw the line?

I think that overall, it all comes down to you and how easy it is for you to be drawn into fulfilling your own fantasies. Things like stalking a celebrity’s Twitter and being an active fan by replying to their Tweets, retweeting their posts, etc etc., is perfectly fine! So is spending lots of money on concert tickets for the best seat. So is watching everything related to them.

Do not, however, act upon the feeling of possessiveness that grows within you whenever you see someone else interacting with a celebrity! Do not try to compete with other fans to see ‘who is the better fan’! Do not hate on fellow fans for doing things that you wish you were able to do!

By acting upon these impulses, you’re only encouraging these emotions to continue. It is telling yourself that it’s okay to be doing this. Instead, try nurturing your positive emotions. Rather than hate, perhaps congratulate. If you really want to reach your goal of meeting your idol, then strive for it. Fuel that competitiveness into something good.

Remember, there is a fine line between liking, and obsession.

Think of the sasaeng fans.

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